Thursday, November 20, 2014

Crochet - To Edge Or Not To Edge

I'd recently written about self-edging stitch patterns and how I prefer those to stitches that require an edging. Here's more on that topic:

The afghan shown above is one I made for a baby shower.  You can see how 'square' the edging is.  That's with no special treatment.  This is a corner-to-corner afghan, worked on the diagonal, and is especially well suited to self striping and variegated or ombre yarns.

The diagonal box stitch (scroll down about 3/4ths of the page to see the stitch and video also called the Diagonal Crazy Stitch -by me-) creates a nice self-edging, but it is easy to work an edging onto if one wishes.  Same for the Best Bumpy Stitch.  So far, I have yet to add an edging to any of my Best Bumpy Stitch projects.  I have added edgings to several of my diagonal box stitch babyghans.  In face, one of my best 'stand by' patterns for baby is to work up a baby afghan in white then wait to learn the sex of baby and add the appropriate color edging OR the color that I now know new mom will want to the afghan.

I've also discovered a secret for color determination.  More likely, if you make very many items for baby, you've figured this out long ago.  Here's my trick:  I go to the Baby Registry at BabysRUs and see what items mom has chosen.  Then, I can make something to match - or at least something mom won't hate.

I much prefer bright colors for baby, but if mom is a strong fan of pastels -as in every item she's registered for is a pastel - then I will crochet a pastel blanket, sweater, or whatever.  Most every baby gets an afghan from me since they are pretty quick to work up.

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